3 Ways to Package your T-Shirts

3 Ways to Package your T-Shirts

It can be hard to stand out from the crowd when you're selling t-shirts, because sometimes it feels like EVERYONE is selling t-shirts.

Instead of trying to win on price and design, think about the buying experience. In this age of Instagram and Snapchat, think about creating packaging your orders in a way that is more likely to get shared to Instagram.

Cardboard Tubes

These look awesome, they're cheap to do and they're good for the environment - win/win/win!

T-Shirt packaging

T-Shirt packaging


Boxes might be pretty cheap to get made up, especially if you get lots done at once. Easy to ship and they don't scrunch up the t-shirt like the above tube might.

   T-Shirt packaging

T-Shirt packaging

T-Shirt packaging

T-Shirt packaging

Glass Jars

These look awesome, right? They might be expensive, hard to ship and way more effort than they're worth, but if this showed up in the courier with a t-shirt that I bought online, I'd Instagram and Snapchat it like crazy.

  T-Shirt packaging

T-Shirt packaging


How do you package your apparel to send it out? Do you do anything special? I'd love to hear your tips in the comments below...